Monday, October 11, 2021

HANDS ON JAVA(OOP - based uses) (Part-II)

           Practice JAVA like Never Before!

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Day 2 🔥


Learning to implement Classes, Objects, and Constructor concepts.

1. Add two floating-point numbers by taking input using java.util.Scanner class and class.

  • Program

  • Part 1:

//Firstly, we use java.util.Scanner class
import java.util.Scanner;
public class A2a{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        // Enter data using Scanner
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
//message to the user:-
System.out.println("Enter two floating-point numbers:- ");
        float a = sc.nextFloat();
        float b = sc.nextFloat();
float sum = a+b;
        // Printing the sum
        System.out.println("The Sum is: "+sum);
  • Part 2:

//Next, we use class
public class A2b{
    public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException{
        // Enter data using BufferReader
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
        //message to the user:-
System.out.println("Enter two floating-point numbers:- ");
// Reading data using readLine
        float a = Float.parseFloat(reader.readLine());
        float b = Float.parseFloat(reader.readLine());
float sum = a+b;
        // Printing the read line
        System.out.println("The Sum is: "+sum);
  • Output:

  • Part 1:

  • Part 2:


2. Write a program to find surface area and volume of Cylinder Using Constructor(s) - Keyboard Input or Command Line Input.

  • Program:

class Cylinder{
public static double pi = 3.14159265359;
private double radius, height;
Cylinder(double r, double h){
radius = r;
height = h;
public double getSA(){
return 2*pi*radius*(radius+height);
public double getVolume(){
return pi*radius*radius*height;
public static void main(String[] args){
//accepting inputs as Command Line arguments
double rad = Double.parseDouble(args[0]);
double ht = Double.parseDouble(args[1]);
Cylinder cy; //declaring instance/object cy of class Cylinder
cy = new Cylinder(rad, ht); //instantiating cy, passing values as arguments to constructor
double area = cy.getSA(), volume = cy.getVolume();
System.out.println("The Surface Area of the Cylinder = "+area);
System.out.println("The Volume of the Cylinder = "+volume);
}//end class definition


  • Output:


3. Create a class named First, make instance variable [int x], instance method [void show()] and put main() method inside that class and use the instance variable and method from main().

  • Program:

class First{
//Instance variable definition:-
public static int x = 10;
//Instance method definition:-
public static void show(){
System.out.print("x is: ");
//main method:-
public static void main(String[] args){
}//end class
  • Output:


4. Create a class; make its instance variable and instance method. Use them from main() which is declared in a different class.

  • Program:

class First{
//Instance variable definition:-
public static int x = 135;
//Instance method definition:-
public static void show(){
System.out.print("x is: ");
}//end first class
class Test{
//main method:-
public static void main(String[] args){
First obj = new First();;
}//end second class
  • Output:


<---------- End of Part - II ---------->😋

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